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Brothers and sisters, it's time to come out into the open, raise our faces to the sun and drink in the success of the life that we have created for ourselves. Because, as we know, that which is unknown is generally feared. It's time to introduce ourselves to the hood.

We're all a little bit different, we think and behave uniquely, we don't dress the same and some of us have nurtured odd-ball careers that we're extremely talented at, yet here we are, a whole community marginalized - for THAT is why we exist; THAT is where the roots of doof culture have stemmed from.

Different though we are, we are a proud people; we are an honest and multicultural community with much to offer our neighbours. And, although very dear to our hearts, our whole story is not just about art, music and culture; those are only the parts society wants to hear. There is a whole lot more and THAT is the story we must share with our neighbours.

It may surprise some to know, at present, we hold the lowest stats for binge culture in the country, yet we're made up of some of the most 'troubled' and sometimes the most challenged; often the most 'at risk' - THAT is something to be proud of.

Of course it is no news to us, we hold this record because we practice relaxation often and take regular down-time from the rat-race. We haven't forgotten how to dance like nobody is watching, how to hug each other or how joyful the experience of life really is - THAT is something to hang on to.

Yes, there is much to be proud of, much at stake and much work yet to be done. This our moment to shine. Our chance to remind our neighbours how to let their hair down, how to smile again, how to love each other again, how to communicate like humans again - THAT is our investment for the future.

One light. One Love. THAT is our purpose.

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